Covid 19 news

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The board of African Phoenix is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr Shafiek Ahmed Rawoot as Financial Director effective 1 July 2018. Shafiek graduated from the University of Cape Town with a Bachelor of Business Science (Finance Honours) in 2001 and from the University of KwaZulu-Natal with a Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting Honours) in 2002. He commenced with his articles at KPMG (Cape Town) in 2003 and qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 2006. After working for Old Mutual (Cape Town) in 2006, Shafiek joined Goldman Sachs International (London) as a Senior Analyst in 2007. Shafiek joins Phoenix from Brait South Africa (Johannesburg), where he has been part of the finance team since 2008. The Board welcomes Shafiek and looks forward to his contribution to the Company.

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