Why should I train my sales Team?

The big question all companies ask themselves. Can I…………. afford to train my sales team? Can I………… afford NOT to train my sales team?   These are valid questions. In truth there are many benefits to investing time, effort & capital in training your sales team. Of course you can plough R1,000’s into training & see little return. Training just for training sake, can prove fruitless. But if you clearly identify areas of need, focus cost effective training on them & thereafter ensure implementation, you will surely see Return on Investment. Training can provide tremendous advantages for your business –
  1. directly improve Customer service
  2. motivate your staff
  3. help improve public perception of your business
  4. build consistency, among other goals
  5. give you an advantage over less skilled competitors
  All these things will help increase revenue & improve your bottom line. Happy training!

About Us

The Northern Business Review is a business community newspaper that provides a platform for businesses to market their products and services, as well as build their brand, but equally important the publication provides information, advice and topics of interest, including business, entrepreneurial, economic reviews and simple ideas to grow your business. The publication has a primary objective to “uniquely” represent businesses to a wide audience across the community as well as provide a media platform of business articles and information that affect, influence and uplift the business environment within our defined geographical and cultural community.


Designed by Nsabasi Publishing©2020

When should I discount to close a deal?

Discounting I guess we are all guilty of having done it – that is, unnecessarily granting a discount to a Customer. Hands up all who have done it! Yup, I’m certainly guilty as charged! Why did I do it? Well, I felt a prick of conscience at the time, because I knew that I was making more margin on the sale than normal. So I just threw it in. STUPID! The crazy thing is, the Customer had actually been very happy with the deal up until that point. By offering a discount, without him even asking, only served to alert him to dwell on price – and this, after the great job I had done in providing a solution to his problem, which was actually going to save him thousands of Rand. Clever me brought the conversation all the way back to the dreaded price thing! STUPID! Truth is, if feel forced into giving away a discount, you haven’t done a great job in convincing the Prospect of your unique selling point (USP). The sales professional eases a Customer into a buying mode; through selling the benefits of their proposition to the buyer. Discounting often becomes habitual – & once on the slippery slide to being known as a discount king, it is a very hard habit to break. All you’re doing is selling your own value short. The sales professional helps the Customer see the value in their offering. Sure, situations do arise where you get backed into a corner & dropping a price can become the deal clincher. At times like this, you may have to concede & offer a discount, but it must ALWAYS be a two way concession. I’ll give to you, if you’ll give to me”. By this, I mean in return for the discount you have been forced to bleed, always expect something back from the Customer. It may be in the form of the exclusion of an accessory or shortening a warrantee, or perhaps upselling him into taking two items instead of one. Discounting will brand you as a smutty give-away artist, rather than a respected sales professional of integrity. And that kind of salesperson is worth very little to their company. HOW MUCH ARE YOU WORTH? 

About Us

The Northern Business Review is a business community newspaper that provides a platform for businesses to market their products and services, as well as build their brand, but equally important the publication provides information, advice and topics of interest, including business, entrepreneurial, economic reviews and simple ideas to grow your business. The publication has a primary objective to “uniquely” represent businesses to a wide audience across the community as well as provide a media platform of business articles and information that affect, influence and uplift the business environment within our defined geographical and cultural community.


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